Established in 2018, the Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies Association (APASA) is a network of scholars, service providers, instructors, plain people, and others interested in the study of the Amish and plain Anabaptists.

APASA endeavors to:
Create greater awareness of Amish and plain Anabaptist research, teaching, and service work in academic, applied, and public contexts
Advance theoretical, analytical, and applied knowledge by providing venues for discussion of research, teaching, and service
Provide outlets for the dissemination of knowledge, resources, and scholarship
Offer mentorship to service providers and scholars new to the Amish and plain Anabaptists
Promote partnerships between and among scholars and service provider
Cultivate respect for the dignity of plain Anabaptist individuals and their collective peoplehood through our work, not causing undue grievances, nor exploiting the culture for ideological, material, institutional, or personal gain
Organizational Status
Encompassing both an educational and scientific mission, APASA is a registered non-profit under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Guided by a constitution and by-laws statement, a five-member board directs APASA. Several subcommittees, each with its own charter statement, operate under the board’s jurisdiction, including the scholarship committee, the communications committee, and the JAPAS editorial board. The editorial board further operates in partnership with the University of Akron’s IdeaExchange publishing platform.