The recording is now available of APASA Cafe's October 10, 2024 presentation
"The Untold Journey of the Nazarene Emigration from Yugoslavia to North America" by Aleksandra Djurić Milovanović.
Abstract: The Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarean), known for their strict nonviolence and refusal to bear arms, found themselves in a difficult situation in Yugoslavia after World War II. Facing intense pressure to conform or suffer the consequences, many chose a path of exile. Drawing on extensive field research and oral histories conducted in Ohio Aleksandra Djurić Milovanović shares the accounts of those who fled Yugoslavia. Their exodus weaves a compelling story of persecution and resilience. From clandestine border crossings to life in refugee camps, and finally to integration in a new world, their journey illuminates a little-known chapter of Cold War religious history while also illustrating a timeless clash between totalitarian power and unbending faith.
Thanks to all who joined in person or remotely! We had 224 in attendance, the largest audience to date for an APASA Cafe.
